September 2018 2 37 Report

W pewnej fabryce dwóch ślusarzy powinno wykonać wg planu 600 detali do silników samochodowych, a wyprodukowali 736 detali. Pierwszy robotnik przekroczył normę o 20%, a drugi 25% zaplanowanej ilości. Oblicz ile detali wyprodukował pierwszy, a ile drugi?

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1. Skoryguj błędy w zdaniach.1) Children under fifteen doesn't have to pay.2) Do we should wear a tie?3) Before he can watch TV, he musts finish his homework.4) You should'nt go out alone at night.5) You must bought a ticket before you get on the bus.6) You should to wear a helmet when you ride a bike.7) We don't have go to school tomorrow.2. Uzupełnij zdania słówkiem should lub must oraz wyrazami poniż, put down, sit, stay, take, turn off, wear1)We ___ an umbrella. It's going to rain.2) The exam has finished. You ___ your pens now.3) I don't think you ___ too near the TV. You will damage your eyes.4) It's quite hot. I think you ___ a T-shirt.5) You ___ at least 100 cm tall to ride on the Milennium Force roller coaster.6) Passengers ___ with their bags at all times.7) You ___ the lights before you go out.3. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami must, mustn't albo dont have to.These rules are very important and are for you safety. You (1) ___ read them before you enter the park.* All cars (2) ___ return by 6pm. The park closes at 7pm.* You (3) ___ drive faster than. 20 km/h - cars can frighten animals.* You (4) ___ stay in your car and you (5) ___ open your windows.* Visitors (6) ___ leave any rubbish. Animals eat everything.* You (7) go on an organised trip. You can drive your own car through the park.* Passengers on organised trips (8) ___ listen to their driver's instructions.* Visitors (9) ___ pay to take photographs. Please take as many as you want.

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