W liście do kolegi lub koleżanki opisz swój tydzień.Użyj wyrazów:always,usually,often,never,read books,wath TV,learn,meet my friends,go swimming,play computer games. bardzo proszę o pomoc.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Today I read book Harry Potter and I never forget this book.
In tuesdays I always watch tv.
In wednesdays often go swimming witch my friends!
In thursdays I Usually learn my homework
In Fridays I Meet friends!
On Saturday and sunday all day I Play computer games and watching TV Witch my family!
Ok That`s it Bye! MILEY. (NP).
Dear Tom !
In my letter i want tell you how i spent my week.
From Monday to Friday I always read books and I never play computer games.
In Sunday I usually go swimming with my family then we are watching tv.
In Saturday I often meet my friends and we play football.