September 2018 2 91 Report

Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami dzierżawczymi z ramki


1. Mrs O'Connor hasn't got a camera so the photos aren't ..........

2.Mr and Mrs Lennox weren't in a taxi, The car was ........

3.We've got a cat but the enormous black creature in the garden isn't ..........

4.The pretty white cat is ......... . I got it for my birthday.

5. The camera on the ground is ..... You dropped it when you ran away from the big cat.

Uzupełnij zdania ,używając odpowiedniej formy czasownika get oraz wyrazów z ramki .


1. The leopard ............. so it killed a sheep.

2.Some animals sleep all winter, They go to sleep when it ........

3.A fox attacked some chickens . The farmer ........ very .........

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