October 2018 2 170 Report

Uzupełnij zdania, używając odpowiednich czasowników modalnych w formie twierdzącej lub przeczącej. W niektórych zdaniach może być kilka poprawnych odpowiedzi!

1.he was speaking so quickly that we _________ understand what he was trying to tell us.

2. I've heard what you said but I still ___________ understand the problem. 3.She's still a bit angry with you so I thnik you ________ to tallk to her or even apologise.

4. We'd better take the bus. It ___________ start raining any minute now. 5.When he was only three years old, he __________ already ride his small bike.

6. I'm sorry, but you _____________ enter the laboratory without a special permission.

7. You_____________take these pill three times a day for seven days. Next week you ________________ come and see me for a check-up visit.

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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