Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami : social drama , sound animated , gripping plot , action-pocked , computer-effects , science-fiction. 1.The ......................................................... of the latest James Bond film were so loud that people jumped every time something exploded. 2.It was a(n) ............................................... film with excellent stunts. 3.Wall-E is a(n) .............................................. film about a robot with very realistic graphics. 4.The film had such a(n) ............................................ that nobody spoke until the end. 5.Billy Elliot is a .................................................... about a young boy who tries to overcome obstacles in life and become a dancer. 6.Star Wars is a(n) ........................................... film that is set in the future and involves the battle of the galaxies. Jak się pomyliłam , a ktoś jesz w 6 klasie i ma książki pt : Starland 3 to zadanie 4 na strone 56.
1. The sound animated.
2. action-pocked
3. scince-fiction
4. gripping
5. social drama
6. scince fiction