Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi rzeczownikami. Wszystkie rzeczowniki należy wpisać w liczbie mnogiej. Pierwsze litery zostały podane.
1. Russia and Canada are very large c__________.
2. My neighbours have got 3 c__________, two daughters and a son.
3. There are two big car f__________ in this area.
4. There are some old Protestant c__________ in the town.
5. Los Angeles and San Francisco are large c__________ in California.
6. We are in our new flat. Our things are still in a lot of b__________.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. countries
2. children
3.nie wiem ( ale z checia tez sie dowiem co powinno byc)
4. churches
5. cities
6. blocks