Uzupełnij dialogi (2.1–2.3), wybierając spośród podanych odpowiedzi brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
2.1 X: What seems to be the problem? Y: … A I’m fine, thank you. B There’s no problem at all. C I have a really bad pain in my chest.
2.2 X: My foot really hurts. Look, it’s all swollen. Y: … X: Do you really think so? A I’m sorry it hurts. B I’d see a doctor if I were you. C You will see a doctor immediately.
2.3 X: You’ve twisted your arm rather badly. Y: … X: You should rest for a while without moving it. A What’s wrong with it? B What should I do? C What would you do?