November 2018 1 20 Report
Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami modalnymi. W niektorych zdaniach mozesz zastosowac kilka roznych czasownikow modalnych - sprobuj podac jak najwiecej mozliwosci uzupelnienia .
1. You........ take these pills until your temperature returns to normal.
2. ................ you bring us some tea?
3. Peter says he wants to buy a motorbike, so I think he ........ start saving money
4.Secret agents, spies and undercover policeman....... talk about thier work.
5.This soup is stone-cold!
>.......... I heat it up for you?

Tam, gdzie to mozliwe, uzupelnij zdania czasownikami must. W pozostalych przypadkach uzyj konstrukcji have to w odpowiedniej formie.

1. Since I moved to he surbus, I ...... take a train to work
2. I`m afraid we ...... redecorate the flat before we start looking for new tenants
3. You..... learn to be more patient,Jessica. Some things just take time
4. After the factory closed, hundreds of people..... lok for a new jon
5. You .... see this new musicial! It`s brilliant!

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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