October 2018 1 33 Report

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(4.1.) __
The day my daughter Miranda was bom was the
happiest of my life. I sang as I drove to and from the
hospital. But by the next morning this beautiful new
world had changed. The doctor told me and my wife,
Katharine, that Miranda was very seriously ill and had
to have an operation.
(4.2.) __
Miranda's operation was successful, but when she
came out of hospital she was still sick and cried
non-stop. We had to carry her in aur arms. We could
never put her down, not even for one moment. Our
life changed completely. Before we had been a happy
couple; now we grew tired and old.
(4.3.) __
After same years Miranda had another operation and
her problems suddenly ended. Life was getting back
to normai and we decided to have another chiid. Our
son John was bom without any physical problems.
He became a fat and happy baby. We felt that we
were a normai family.
(4.4.) __
But when John was two, we realised that something
was wrong with him. He could play happily for hours,
but he stayed silent. He didn't say a word. Finally we
went to the doctor who said John suffered frem
autism. This meant that he would never live in the
same world as other people.
(4.5.) __
Katharine and I went threugh a very difficult period
of time. She became obsessed with our children's
health and couldn't talk about anything else. I knew
I didn't give her enough support, but at the same
time I felt very lonely. We quarrelled and were slowly
growing apart.
(4.6.) __
Today our children are 10 and 7, and their problems
are under control. John goes to a special school and
his autism has become less serious. At last we're
a normai family again and may have more time now
to rebuild our relationship. Children's illnesses are
the most difficult test for any marriage.

A Parents take care of a suffering chiid.
B The marriage goes through crisis.
C Parents are informed about the second child's illness.
D Parents realise that they are a strange family.
E The family has hopes for a better future.
F Parents decide to go to the doctor.
G A healthy child is borno
H The best moment is ruined by shocking news.

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Odpowiedz na pytania na podst tekstu :)Temple Bar is coming home. It’s London’s lastsurviving gate, listed as a Grade 1 building. Formore than a century it has been buried inHertfordshire woods, where it has been slowlygoing to ruin. Now scientists are numbering itsmore than 1,000 stones and by the end of nextyear it should be standing once again in thecapital city.The restored gate will be put where it originallystood. In the past, its wooden form witnessed a lotof important events: for example, the Black Princerode through it after the Battle of Poitiers, with hisprisoner, the king of France. It was painted up forthe wedding of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII.During Nelson s funeral, black velvet was hungover it.The stone gate dates from 1669. Then kingCharles II told off the lord mayor for the horriblestate of the old wooden structure. The mayorexplained that after the great fire of London (whichhad happened three years earlier) many otherbuildings needed some work first, but the kingwouldn t listen. He ordered Christopher Wren, thegreat architect, to create a new gate. To make itpossible the king provided Wren with thenecessary stone.In 1878 the building of the Royal Courts ofJustice in Gothic style made the classical stylegate look strange and old-fashioned. Thecorporation of London agreed that the gate had togo but decided to keep it somewhere else insteadof selling the stones as building material.But the corporation have never doubted thatTemple Bar would one day come back to the city.In fact, after more than a century, Joyce Nash,the present inheritor of the office, has recentlywelcomed what he called Temple Bar shomecoming journey to its rightful place in thecity. 6.1. What is true about Temple Bar?a) It has been hidden away for about 100 years.b) Over the past century it has fallen into ruin.c) Its more than 1,000 stones have just beennumbered.d) It has just come back to the city.6.2. Which event in the past did the old woodengate NOT become part of?a) the capture of a kingb) the return of a heroc) a royal ceremonyd) a hero’s burial6.3. Charles II ordered to restore the gatebecausea) the lord mayor wanted to restore it.b) it was the only building that needed restoration.c) it was badly damaged.d) Christopher Wren provided the stone for itsrestoration.6.4. What fact makes it possible for the gateto return to the city?a) It has always impressed the citizens.b) Its stones weren’t used to build somethingelse.c) The corporation has always taken goodcare of it.d) It doesn’t belong to any private owner.6.5. What was Joyce Nash’s reaction to theTemple Bar’s return?a) He had some doubts about it.b) He did not really believe it.c) He did not think London is the right placefor it.d) He was enthusiastic about it.

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