ULOZ DIALOG A.zapytaj kolezanke co sadzi o nowej szkole jezykowej do ktorej razem chodzicie. Bwyraz pozytywna opinie o naczycielu i zajeciach.uzasadnij swoje zdanie. A.nie zgodz sie z kolezanka.przedstaw swoje pogdlady. B.zgodz sie zz jednym zarzutemkolezanki. A.powiedz ze wolalabys zmienic szkole.dodaj przyczyne dla ktorej ta szkola ci nie pasuje. B.tym razem nie zgodz sie zupelnie z tym co mowi kolezanka. A.przyznaj ze trzeba jeszcze dac szkole szanse. PROSZE JEST TO MI POTRZEBNE I PROSZE JAK KTOS TO ZROBI NIECH JESZCZE PRZETLUMACZE,ZGORY DZIEKUJE:):)
A: Hello, what do you think about a new language school?
B: Hello. Oh I like this school. The teacher is very nice and he's got a sense of humor.
A: I don't agree with you. I think the teacher is just nice to you, not to me. I feel terrible. I would like to change the school. I don't like it so much!
B: What are you talking about? I don't agree with you. It's just the beggining of our new school, you shouldn't change it because of the teacher.
A: I think you are right, I will give one more chance for the school. Maybe I shouldn't take serious what our teacher told to me?
A: Hello, what do you think about a new language school?
B: Hello. Oh I like this school. The teacher is very nice and he's got a sense of humor.
A: I don't agree with you. I think the teacher is just nice to you, not to me. I feel terrible. I would like to change the school. I don't like it so much!
B: What are you talking about? I don't agree with you. It's just the beggining of our new school, you shouldn't change it because of the teacher.
A: I think you are right, I will give one more chance for the school. Maybe I shouldn't take serious what our teacher told to me?
B: Of course you shouldn't!