October 2018 2 19 Report

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Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi (A–D) wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Home Schooling Full-time education in the UK is compulsory from the age of ve to eighteen. However, that does not mean pupils have to go to school. There are about 50,000 young people who have their lessons at home instead, quite legally. This is ‘home schooling’. Parents decide to take their children out of school for different reasons, like illness and need of special care or a very long distance to the nearest school. Some children have simply been unhappy at school, or have failed to make progress. Whatever the reason, the law allows them to study at home, although inspectors regularly visit to check how they are getting on. Hayley and Jenny have not been inside a school for two years but they have not neglected their studies. They follow individual timetables they worked out with their mother’s guidance. She is responsible for teaching them Maths, English, History and French. Their father teaches them Science and Geography. They study the other subjects online, with the help of friends and relatives. ‘Dad goes out to work, so we have lessons with him in the evenings and at weekends,’ explains Hayley. ‘That’s OK.’ The family home is a huge farmhouse in a remote corner of north Wales. ‘The girls weren’t unhappy at school but they spent so much time getting to school, they were too tired to learn,’ says their mother, Julia. ‘We had a family conference and in the end we decided to try home schooling. So far, it’s been a big success, but the girls know that if they want to go back to school at any time, we will let them. We follow the normal school curriculum, and they will take all the normal school exams.’ One big advantage of home schooling is that that students can study the subjects they enjoy in more depth. For example, Hayley is studying Physics at university level, with the help of her dad and an online tutor. Jenny, meanwhile, is a talented keyboard player who has already passed her Grade 8 exam. There are disadvantages too, of course. ‘Social isolation is something I worry about,’ says Julia, ‘but they both seem happy and well adjusted. They both have friends who live locally, and in the summer they go away to summer camps where they have no trouble mixing with people and making friends.’ Home schooling is certainly an unusual way of life but it seems to suit Hayley and Jenny. 1 50,000 children A do not attend a school. B live a long way from their nearest school. C are failing at school. D are not well enough to go to school. 2 Hayley and Jenny A wanted to change schools B have never been to school. C were bored with school. D had a long journey to school. 3 The girls study A whatever they like. B Science and Music. C the subjects their parents know about. D the same subjects as they would study at school. 4 Their mother worries because the girls A know many people of their own age. B might be lonely. C go away every summer. D fi nd it diffi cult to make friends. 5 The article is mainly about A a Welsh family. B the British education system. C an alternative to ordinary school. D living in a remote part of the country

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