Uczeń A: Na koncercie widziałeś dziwnie wyglądającego i zachowującego się człowieka. Następnego dnia opowiadasz o tym przyjaciołom z Anglii. Opisz: - wygląd tej osoby - jej zachowanie - reakcje innych osób
Uczeń B: Opowiedz anglojęzycznemu znajomemu o imprezie, na którą poszedłeś nieodpowiednio ubrany. Powiedz: - jaka to była impreza - jak byłaś ubrana Ty , a jak byli ubrani inni - jak się czułaś
A)Hey listen I saw yesterday at the concert so that you may have seen a guy as he was wearing some torn pants, shirt and boots flexuosus. Constantly spitting Coke and popcorn,, other people have had enough of him were outraged by his behavior.
B)Listen to yesterday I was at friend's birthday party, only a small problem was badly dressed, I had jeans and t-shirt in the box and they were in gala dresses. I felt stupid and I was wrong.
B)Listen to yesterday I was at friend's birthday party, only a small problem was badly dressed, I had jeans and t-shirt in the box and they were in gala dresses. I felt stupid and I was wrong.