Uczeń A Na koncercie widziałeś dziwnie wyglądającego i zachowującego się człowieka. Następnego dnia opowiadasz o tym przyjaciołom z Anglii. Opisz: - wygląd tej osoby - jej zachowanie - reakcje innych osób.
Uczeń B Opowiedz anglojęzycznemu znajomemu o imprezie, na którą poszedłeś nieodpowiednio ubrany. Powiedz: - jaka to była impreza, - jak byłaś ubrana Ty, a jak byli ubrani inni, - jak się czułaś.
Volume Prague to tell you that at this event as I was yesterday, it was not as good as it should be. At the beginning it was cool playing nice music, people had fun, but it was so far until he entered the room and a madman. He was dressed in black shorts, pink blouse, high boots, and had been combed at Mohawk. He behaved very strangely. He started drinking and singing silly song. Then when he was drunk he throw food and drink from the tables. People look at him and said it surprised one another where he come from? Finally, the two men took him by the arms and thrown to the floor. Fortunately all ended well.
Uczęń B :
When I was at a party at my friend, and it was a party to celebrate his eighteenth birthday. Too did not know what to wear, but since I started this event combative outfit, dressed up as a disco. But the worst was that when I came I saw something really strange. All were dressed like żentelmeni, white shirts and black trousers. I thought lunatic, they looked at me with a smile on her face and said something to himself. I felt like a cat in the rain, thought that I begin to cry and wybiegnę from the floor. On Fortunately everything ended well.
Volume Prague to tell you that at this event as I was yesterday, it was not as good as it should be. At the beginning it was cool playing nice music, people had fun, but it was so far until he entered the room and a madman. He was dressed in black shorts, pink blouse, high boots, and had been combed at Mohawk. He behaved very strangely. He started drinking and singing silly song. Then when he was drunk he throw food and drink from the tables. People look at him and said it surprised one another where he come from? Finally, the two men took him by the arms and thrown to the floor.
Fortunately all ended well.
Uczęń B :
When I was at a party at my friend, and it was a party to celebrate his eighteenth birthday. Too did not know what to wear, but since I started this event combative outfit, dressed up as a disco. But the worst was that when I came I saw something really strange. All were dressed like żentelmeni, white shirts and black trousers. I thought lunatic, they looked at me with a smile on her face and said something to himself. I felt like a cat in the rain, thought that I begin to cry and wybiegnę from the floor. On Fortunately everything ended well.
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