Twuj kolega szwed zadzwonił i zapytał czy mugł by nagrac u ciebie swuj ulubiony program tel. niestety musisz wyjsc i nie bedzie cie w tedy w domu zostawiasz mu klucze u sasiaduw napisz do niego krutki emajl w kturym wyjaśnisz zaistniana sytuacje, poinformuj skad ma wziasc klucze wyjasnij jak ma nagrac program na wideo popros zeby na ciebie zaczekał
I have received your email regarding the issue of recording Johnny Springer's Show. Unfortunately, I will not be at home at that time and I will not be able to help you out with that (I have my final football preparation before the contest). There is however a way around the problem - I will leave the keys to my house with my neightbours (you know, that white villa to the left) and tell them that you'll be coming to pick them up. Don't be shy to do so, because Mr. Senkowski speaks decent english and is a really pleasant man - he'll be happy to help you out. When you get the keys, help yourself to get into the house - T.V. and the recorder are all in the living room. In order to record the Show, insert the casette into the recorder and press the record button (the one with a red dot in the middle) after turning the TV on first. Everything should work just fine and in case you encounter any trouble just give me a call - you know my mobile phone number. Just one more thing - please, make sure you wait for me, because I have something to give you before you leave.
I have received your email regarding the issue of recording Johnny Springer's Show. Unfortunately, I will not be at home at that time and I will not be able to help you out with that (I have my final football preparation before the contest). There is however a way around the problem - I will leave the keys to my house with my neightbours (you know, that white villa to the left) and tell them that you'll be coming to pick them up. Don't be shy to do so, because Mr. Senkowski speaks decent english and is a really pleasant man - he'll be happy to help you out. When you get the keys, help yourself to get into the house - T.V. and the recorder are all in the living room. In order to record the Show, insert the casette into the recorder and press the record button (the one with a red dot in the middle) after turning the TV on first. Everything should work just fine and in case you encounter any trouble just give me a call - you know my mobile phone number. Just one more thing - please, make sure you wait for me, because I have something to give you before you leave.
Take care and best regards,