Twoja koleżanka , którą zaprosiłeś na koncert ,rozchorowała się i nie mogła przyjść. Napisz do niej e-mail ,w którym; 1. zapytasz jak się czuje 2. opowiesz jak było na koncercie. 3 zaprosisz do kina ,gdy już wyzdrowieje.. dam naj potrzebuje na teraz,szybko.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hey Jenny( for example)
A pity you were absent on the concert.How doyou feel? I hopeyou feel well. The concert was really great and I loved it! You were right. The front singer looks quite scary...Moreover, there were some flashy fireworks. I thought that i had lost my sense of sight! I have a great idea.
When you are healthy, i'll take you to the cinema. Do you fancy it? Get well soon!