Twój przyjaciel z anglii peter,uważa ,że jest w złej kondycji i prosi cię o radę . W liście do niego : podziękuj mu,że zwrócił się z prośbą do Ciebie i okaz mu współczucie z powodu jego problemu doradź mu,aby zaczął uprawiać sport i i podaj wynikające z tego korzyści zaproponuj dyscyplinę sportu,która byłaby dla niego odpowiednia i opisz jej zasady poinformuj go ,jaki wpływ ma na Ciebie uprawianie sportu
Dear Peter, Thank you for your recent letter. It's nice that you asked for my advice, I appreciate that. I am very sorry that you're not in good shape. You shouldn't give up, though. There are many ways to improve it. You should take up a sport. There are many benefits connected with it. First of all, it will help you to lose on weight and to become fitter. You will also feel better and your lifestyle will be healthy. I know you're not a lover of sport so at the beginning I suggest playing volleyball. It will be suitable for you because it's not very tiring. The rules are simple: there are 6 players in each team and the main aim is to return the ball to the other side of the net by bouncing it so that the opponent won't receive it. Your team can do not more than 3 bouncing before returning the ball to the opposite team. I play sport and it has a very good influence on me. I am more relaxed and I became fitter. I hope you will take my advice. Best wishes!
Thank you for your recent letter. It's nice that you asked for my advice, I appreciate that. I am very sorry that you're not in good shape. You shouldn't give up, though. There are many ways to improve it. You should take up a sport. There are many benefits connected with it. First of all, it will help you to lose on weight and to become fitter. You will also feel better and your lifestyle will be healthy. I know you're not a lover of sport so at the beginning I suggest playing volleyball. It will be suitable for you because it's not very tiring. The rules are simple: there are 6 players in each team and the main aim is to return the ball to the other side of the net by bouncing it so that the opponent won't receive it. Your team can do not more than 3 bouncing before returning the ball to the opposite team. I play sport and it has a very good influence on me. I am more relaxed and I became fitter. I hope you will take my advice.
Best wishes!