Twój kolega z USA przebywający właśnie w Polsce,napisał do ciebie list z propozycją wspólnego wyjazdu w okresie Świąt Wielkanocnych.Ty jednak zaplanowałaś już spędzenie świąt z rodziną. Napisz list w którym: -przeprosisz i podasz powód, dla którego nie możesz przyjąć zaproszenia; -opiszesz jak ty i twoja rodzina przygotowujecie się do świąt i jak je spędzacie. -zaproponujesz koledze spędzenie świąt z twoją rodziną,podając powód; -obiecasz pokazać mu twoje miasto i najbliższą okolicę. (od 120 -150 słów)
Dear John, I'm writting to you to explain why I can't spent Easter with you. Last year I was in Germany, when were Easter. I promised my family, that in this year I spent this holy time with them. Belive me, I really want to spend this time with you, but I can't. In this year my grandparents are coming to us. There will be my cousins, uncles and auntis too! Firs we eat a Easter Breakfast, and then we go to church. After church we go to the forest for walk. Of course Chuck (my dog) go with us! Then my mom and grandmothers make a chocolate for everyone. We are drinking it and talking about our life. You know? I have a propossiton. Why YOU can't spend this Easter in my home? We'll have a fantastic time! My family really likes you! If you come to me, I promise, I will take you to the city! I hope, that you don't mind that I can't visit you. Write soon! Maciek
I'm writting to you to explain why I can't spent Easter with you.
Last year I was in Germany, when were Easter. I promised my family, that in this year I spent this holy time with them. Belive me, I really want to spend this time with you, but I can't.
In this year my grandparents are coming to us. There will be my cousins, uncles and auntis too! Firs we eat a Easter Breakfast, and then we go to church. After church we go to the forest for walk. Of course Chuck (my dog) go with us! Then my mom and grandmothers make a chocolate for everyone. We are drinking it and talking about our life.
You know? I have a propossiton. Why YOU can't spend this Easter in my home? We'll have a fantastic time! My family really likes you!
If you come to me, I promise, I will take you to the city!
I hope, that you don't mind that I can't visit you.
Write soon!