Twój angielski znajomy planuje przyjechać do Polski w przyszłym miesiącu wraz ze swoją rodziną. Zamierzają spędzić w Polsce dwa tygodnie, z czego na kilka dni chcą zatrzymać się w twojej okolicy. Wspólnie porozmawiajcie o tej wizycie. Pozniżej podane są 4 kwestie, które musisz omówić w rozmowie z egzaminującym . -zakwaterowanie -zwiedzanie -ubrania , które należy przywiezc -pogoda Muszę to napisać ! proszę o pomoc !!!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear .... ,
I am writing to tell you something about you arrival to Poland in the next month. As I know, you planned visit my region with your family. In my opinion this is great idea because we haven't met for 3 years !
You could in my house for a few days, whole 2nd floor is free because my parents will go to Egipt on their holidays.
There is lots of things which I want to show you ! We could visit the most popular places in Cracov like Wawel, the Vistula or famous Wawel Dragon. Your family should be interesting !
You don't have to bring any special clothes - just everyday clothes but you should remember about jacket.
It seems that next month will be really hot without rain but weather in Poland sometimes can be very different.
Call me if you are interested my proposition. I hope that we are going to meet next month :)
Take care,