proportional representation / Member of Parliament / call an election /House of Commons / stand for election / General Electionpolling day / canvassing / secret ballot / constituents / constituencies /polling stations / by-election / eligible / deposit / campaigns / turn-out
(a) ___________________ has just taken place all over the United Kingdom. These must take place every five years unless thePrime Minister decides to (b) ___________________ earlier. Above is the result in Middleford, one of the approximately 635 (c)___________________ into which the country is divided for this purpose. (d) ___________________ was last Thursday, when theelection (e) ___________________ and door-to-door (f ) ___________________ stopped and the people of Middleford went to the(g) ___________________ to make their choice, in a (h) ___________________ , from the four candidates (anyone over the age of21 can (i) ___________________ , on payment of a (j) ___________________ of £500, which is returned if he or she receives atleast 5%of the votes cast). Voting is not compulsory and the number of people (k) ___________________ to vote inMiddleford(everyone over 18) was 100,000, so the (l) ___________________ was 70%. Now Mr Smith will become the (m)__________________ forMiddleford, which means he will represent the people ofMiddleford in the (n) ___________________ inLondon. If he should die or be forced to give up his seat, the people of Middleford will have to vote again, in a (o)___________________ to replace him. It is a very simple system and Mr Smith will try to represent all his (p)___________________ fairly, whether they voted for him or not. However, the fact remains that most voters inMiddleford voted forcandidates (and parties) other than Mr Smith, and their votes are now lost. It is seats which are important in Parliament, not votes,and it is easy to see why the smaller parties would like a system of (q) ___________________ , in which the number of votes theywon was reflected in the number of seats they received in Parliament.
Brakuje jednego wyrazu. a) General Electionpolling day b) call an election c) constituencies d) e) campaigns f) canvassing g) polling stations h) secret ballot i) stand for election j) deposit k) eligible l) turn-out m) Member of Parliament n) House of Commons o) by-election p) constituents q) proportional representation
a) General Electionpolling day
b) call an election
c) constituencies
e) campaigns
f) canvassing
g) polling stations
h) secret ballot
i) stand for election
j) deposit
k) eligible
l) turn-out
m) Member of Parliament
n) House of Commons
o) by-election
p) constituents
q) proportional representation