Trzeba napisać porównanie miast : Warszawa, Londyn i Rzym (oczywiście w jęz.angielskim) trzeba napisać ich wiek, wielkość, jakiej rasy ludzie tam mieszkają , pogode jaka tam jest , co można zwiedzić , zabytki, sport jaki tam jest popularny, i jedzenie.
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Rome (incl, Lat. Roma) - Italy's capital, a city in the central part of the country, surrounded by hills, the Tiber, administrative and political center (seat of the president, ministries and offices, the capital city and main administrative and historic region of Lazio. Administrative Area 1523 km ², population 2 544 000 (conurbation 3 869 000).
The city is located in central Italy, on the river Tiber, in its lower reaches, on high, limestone area near the sea coast. The country's capital and seat of the major institutions of political and economic, the second after Milan's financial and economic center of the country (an important center of the automotive industry, electrical engineering, textile, food, and others). Big air transport hub (2 airports - Fiumicino - Leonardo da Vinci, the port and Ciampino), rail (the famous Termini Station) and the road. Rome also has a subway (2 lines out, and the third is currently under construction). Global tourist resort with a rich ancient and medieval monuments (churches, the Basilica, the Colosseum, palaces, aqueducts, fountains and many other buildings), extremely rich museums, modern housing estates in the suburbs.
Town and many banks, the fairgrounds (quarter million), houses a general religious orders and congregations. In 1960, he organized the Summer Olympics. Part of the city is the Vatican - seat of the popes (the smallest country in the world). Annually visited by several million tourists.
Wawa is a town (in: community) in Northern Ontario, Canada. Administratively, Wawa Michipicoten belongs to the municipality, the District of Algoma, Ontario.
Wawa is located on the lake of the same name, near the north-east corner of Upper Lake, about 220 km north of Sault Ste. Marie. Near Wawa is a protected area called "Lake Superior Provincial Park.
The name comes from the word Wawa wewe in the Ojibwa language meaning wild goose.
London (London English) - a town in south-eastern part of Great Britain, the capital of the country, as well as the capital of England. Located on the Thames, is the second largest city in Europe (after Moscow, from Paris), is also one of the largest cities in the world both in the same city as the scale and agglomeration. Population of London (within the so-called. Greater London) is around 8.2 million (2006) in the area of 1 607 km ² and the entire London metropolitan area, including all the neighboring towns (from Tonbridge in the southeast to the northwest of Windsor) has about 20 million people (the so-called area. megalopolis). About 20% of the population comes from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Contemporary London is the largest financial center in the world (since 2006 against New York). Here shall be 30% of global trade currencies and 40% of global trade Eurobonds. In London, hundreds of banks are located, the largest exchange in Europe (third world), many insurance companies and investment. London is also a great media center. A city full of monuments and museums annually attracts around 30 million tourists.
(po polsku: Warszawa jest to stolica i największe miasto Polski. Położone nad Wisła ww mazowszu. Warszawa jest największym polskim miastem pod względem liczby ludności (1 709 781 zameldowanych mieszkańców w czerwcu 2008 r.). Założone to miasto w XIII wieku. Główną rasą ludzi są biali ludzie, lecz zdarzają sie osoby innego koloru skóry. Warszawa posiada dwa kluby piłkarskie występujące w Ekstraklasie, jeden koszykarski, jeden siatkarski oraz kilka mniejszych klubów sportowych. Warszawskimi pierwszo Legia są Legia Warszawa (piłka nożna), AZS Politechnika Warszawska (siatkówka) i Polonia Warszawa (koszykówka i piłka nożna). Najważniejszym zabytkiem jest pałac Kultury i Nauki. W warsawie znajduje się też Zamek Królewski wraz z Kolumną Zygmunta, Belweder czy Pałac Na Wodzie w warszawskich Łazienkach.)
Po angielsku: Warsaw is the capital and largest Polish city. Situated on the Vistula River above Mazovia. Warsaw is the largest Polish city in terms of population (1 709 781 inhabitants domiciled in June 2008). This city founded in the thirteenth century. The main race of people are white people, but there are people of another skin color. Warsaw has two football clubs found in the league, one basketball, one volleyball, and several smaller clubs. Legia Warsaw's primary are Legia Warsaw (soccer), AZS Warsaw University of Technology (volleyball) and Polonia Warszawa (basketball and football). The most important monument is the palace of Culture and Science. In warsawie there is also the Royal Castle and the Column of Sigismund, and Belvedere Palace in Warsaw on the Water Baths.
Po polsku: Londyn to stolica Wielkie Brytanii. Jest drugim największym miastem w Europie. Pierwszy jest Paryż. Liczba mieszkańców Londynu wychodzi około 8,2 miliona ludzi. W Londynie panuje klimat umiarkowany z większymi opadami atmosferycznymi w skali roku, niż w pozostałej części Anglii. Głównymi atrakcjami w Londynie jest między innymi Tower of London, Big ben czy Pałac Buckingham. Londyn posiada bogatą infrastrukturę sportową, w postaci stadionów, kortów tenisowych (Wimbledon), oraz licznych terenów rekreacyjnych (Green Park, Hyde Park itd.) Każdego roku w na terenie miasta odbywają się dziesiątki rozmaitych imprez sportowych, warto wspomnieć, że rozgrywane były tutaj już dwa razy Letnie Igrzyska Olimpijskie (w 1908 i 1948 roku), a w 2012 roku planowane są kolejne.
Po angielsku: London is the capital of Great Britain. Is the second largest city in Europe. The first is Paris. Population of London comes around 8.2 million people. In London, the climate is moderate to higher rainfall in a year than the rest of England. The main attractions in London including the Tower of London, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. London has a wealth of sport infrastructure, in terms of stadiums, tennis courts (Wimbledon), and numerous recreational areas (Green Park, Hyde Park, etc.) every year in the city are held dozens of different sporting events, it is worth mentioning that have played here already twice Summer Olympics (in 1908 and 1948) and 2012 years are planned next.
Po polsku: Rzym jest stolicą Włoch. Miasto położone w środkowych Włoszech, nad rzeką Tyber. Liczna ludności wynosi 2 544 000. Znanymi zabytkami w Rzymie jest na przykład Circus Maximus, Fontanna di Trevi, Forum Boarium. Rzym powstał w epoce żelaza, jako osada Latynów, usytuowana na szczycie Palatynu.
PO angielsku: Rome is the capital of Italy. The city is located in central Italy, on the river Tiber. Large population is 2 544 000. Famous monuments in Rome is, for example, the Circus Maximus, Trevi Fountain, Forum Boarium. Rome was founded in the Iron Age, as Latynów settlement, situated on the summit of the Palatine.
The city is located in central Italy, on the river Tiber, in its lower reaches, on high, limestone area near the sea coast. The country's capital and seat of the major institutions of political and economic, the second after Milan's financial and economic center of the country (an important center of the automotive industry, electrical engineering, textile, food, and others). Big air transport hub (2 airports - Fiumicino - Leonardo da Vinci, the port and Ciampino), rail (the famous Termini Station) and the road. Rome also has a subway (2 lines out, and the third is currently under construction). Global tourist resort with a rich ancient and medieval monuments (churches, the Basilica, the Colosseum, palaces, aqueducts, fountains and many other buildings), extremely rich museums, modern housing estates in the suburbs.
Town and many banks, the fairgrounds (quarter million), houses a general religious orders and congregations. In 1960, he organized the Summer Olympics. Part of the city is the Vatican - seat of the popes (the smallest country in the world). Annually visited by several million tourists.
Wawa is a town (in: community) in Northern Ontario, Canada. Administratively, Wawa Michipicoten belongs to the municipality, the District of Algoma, Ontario.
Wawa is located on the lake of the same name, near the north-east corner of Upper Lake, about 220 km north of Sault Ste. Marie. Near Wawa is a protected area called "Lake Superior Provincial Park.
The name comes from the word Wawa wewe in the Ojibwa language meaning wild goose.
London (London English) - a town in south-eastern part of Great Britain, the capital of the country, as well as the capital of England. Located on the Thames, is the second largest city in Europe (after Moscow, from Paris), is also one of the largest cities in the world both in the same city as the scale and agglomeration. Population of London (within the so-called. Greater London) is around 8.2 million (2006) in the area of 1 607 km ² and the entire London metropolitan area, including all the neighboring towns (from Tonbridge in the southeast to the northwest of Windsor) has about 20 million people (the so-called area. megalopolis). About 20% of the population comes from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Contemporary London is the largest financial center in the world (since 2006 against New York). Here shall be 30% of global trade currencies and 40% of global trade Eurobonds. In London, hundreds of banks are located, the largest exchange in Europe (third world), many insurance companies and investment. London is also a great media center. A city full of monuments and museums annually attracts around 30 million tourists.
(po polsku: Warszawa jest to stolica i największe miasto Polski. Położone nad Wisła ww mazowszu. Warszawa jest największym polskim miastem pod względem liczby ludności (1 709 781 zameldowanych mieszkańców w czerwcu 2008 r.). Założone to miasto w XIII wieku. Główną rasą ludzi są biali ludzie, lecz zdarzają sie osoby innego koloru skóry. Warszawa posiada dwa kluby piłkarskie występujące w Ekstraklasie, jeden koszykarski, jeden siatkarski oraz kilka mniejszych klubów sportowych. Warszawskimi pierwszo Legia są Legia Warszawa (piłka nożna), AZS Politechnika Warszawska (siatkówka) i Polonia Warszawa (koszykówka i piłka nożna). Najważniejszym zabytkiem jest pałac Kultury i Nauki. W warsawie znajduje się też Zamek Królewski wraz z Kolumną Zygmunta, Belweder czy Pałac Na Wodzie w warszawskich Łazienkach.)
Po angielsku:
Warsaw is the capital and largest Polish city. Situated on the Vistula River above Mazovia. Warsaw is the largest Polish city in terms of population (1 709 781 inhabitants domiciled in June 2008). This city founded in the thirteenth century. The main race of people are white people, but there are people of another skin color. Warsaw has two football clubs found in the league, one basketball, one volleyball, and several smaller clubs. Legia Warsaw's primary are Legia Warsaw (soccer), AZS Warsaw University of Technology (volleyball) and Polonia Warszawa (basketball and football). The most important monument is the palace of Culture and Science. In warsawie there is also the Royal Castle and the Column of Sigismund, and Belvedere Palace in Warsaw on the Water Baths.
Po polsku:
Londyn to stolica Wielkie Brytanii. Jest drugim największym miastem w Europie. Pierwszy jest Paryż. Liczba mieszkańców Londynu wychodzi około 8,2 miliona ludzi. W Londynie panuje klimat umiarkowany z większymi opadami atmosferycznymi w skali roku, niż w pozostałej części Anglii. Głównymi atrakcjami w Londynie jest między innymi Tower of London, Big ben czy Pałac Buckingham. Londyn posiada bogatą infrastrukturę sportową, w postaci stadionów, kortów tenisowych (Wimbledon), oraz licznych terenów rekreacyjnych (Green Park, Hyde Park itd.) Każdego roku w na terenie miasta odbywają się dziesiątki rozmaitych imprez sportowych, warto wspomnieć, że rozgrywane były tutaj już dwa razy Letnie Igrzyska Olimpijskie (w 1908 i 1948 roku), a w 2012 roku planowane są kolejne.
Po angielsku:
London is the capital of Great Britain. Is the second largest city in Europe. The first is Paris. Population of London comes around 8.2 million people. In London, the climate is moderate to higher rainfall in a year than the rest of England. The main attractions in London including the Tower of London, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. London has a wealth of sport infrastructure, in terms of stadiums, tennis courts (Wimbledon), and numerous recreational areas (Green Park, Hyde Park, etc.) every year in the city are held dozens of different sporting events, it is worth mentioning that have played here already twice Summer Olympics (in 1908 and 1948) and 2012 years are planned next.
Po polsku:
Rzym jest stolicą Włoch. Miasto położone w środkowych Włoszech, nad rzeką Tyber. Liczna ludności wynosi 2 544 000. Znanymi zabytkami w Rzymie jest na przykład Circus Maximus, Fontanna di Trevi, Forum Boarium. Rzym powstał w epoce żelaza, jako osada Latynów, usytuowana na szczycie Palatynu.
PO angielsku:
Rome is the capital of Italy. The city is located in central Italy, on the river Tiber. Large population is 2 544 000. Famous monuments in Rome is, for example, the Circus Maximus, Trevi Fountain, Forum Boarium. Rome was founded in the Iron Age, as Latynów settlement, situated on the summit of the Palatine.