Mam takie zadanie: Write a postcard of about 50-70 words to an English - speaking friend. Use your notes from exercise 3 and the plan to help you: - talk about where you are, the weather and if you are enjoying yourself - say what you did yesterday - say what your plans are for today/tomorrow - say when you're coming home.
Tylko proszę o w miarę łatwe słownictwo (jestem w grupie słabszej) Z góry dzięki !!!
PS. Wystarczy tylko 50 słów. A co do treści może być byle co, np. jestem we Włoszech , pogoda jest słoneczna, bardzo dobrze się bawię, wczoraj zwiedzałem rzym, dzisiaj Watykan, a jutro zamierzam zwiedzić Neapol, wracam za 4 dni, jakieś pozdrowienia itp.
Dear Susan, I 'm sending my greetings from Tatra mountains.I 'm having a nice time here.The views are really beautiful.The weather is very good.It 's sunny and really warm.I 'm staying in a small guest house.The room is very comfortable.Yesterday I was in Krupówki street.I bought a lot of souvenirs there.Today I 'm going to go for a long walk with my friend.I 'll be back on Friday. Love, (swoje imię)
I 'm sending my greetings from Tatra mountains.I 'm having a nice time here.The views are really beautiful.The weather is very good.It 's sunny and really warm.I 'm staying in a small guest house.The room is very comfortable.Yesterday I was in Krupówki street.I bought a lot of souvenirs there.Today I 'm going to go for a long walk with my friend.I 'll be back on Friday.
(swoje imię)
Z mojego zeszytu:)Mam nadzieję,że pomogłam.