Tolongg terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa inggris yaa.. "kita pasti mengenal B.J.Habibie , seorang profesor, penemu teori keretakan pesawat, seorang menteri, presiden ke tiga. beliau pernah memimpikan membuat pesawat karya pertama bangsa indonesia tanpa bantuan asing. pada saat itu, mimpinya diragukan dan dianggap omong kosong oleh pemerintah indonesia sendiri. namun beliau tetap bersungguh sungguh dan terus berusaha membuktikan bahwa dia mampu mewujudkan mimpinya. di negara asing beliau mampu berprestasi mewujudkan mimpinya satu demi satu dan menjadi orang asia yang cukup disegani di jerman karena kejeniusannya. setelah beliau terkenal di jerman, barulah ia di panggil ke Indonesia untuk mewujudkan mimpinya membangun pesawat indonesia pertama, pesawat N250.."
tolong ya wee..
"We must recognize BJHabibie, a professor, inventor of the theory of air rift, a minister, the president of all three. He never dreamed of making the best first work of Indonesian nation without foreign aid, at that moment, his dream is doubtful and is considered nonsense by the Indonesian government itself. but he still taking seriously and keep trying to prove that he is able to realize his dream, in a foreign country he was able to perform to realize his dream one by one and become the asia well respected in Germany because of his genius. after he was famous in Germany, then he called to Indonesia to realize his dream to build Indonesia's first flight, the plane N250 .. "
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We must recognize B.J.Habibie, a proffesor, invetor of the theory of air rift, a minister, the third president. he never dreamed of making the best first work without the help asing in indonesian nation at the time, his dream is doubtful and is considered nonsense by the indonesian government itself. but the still earnestly and kept trying to prove that he is able to realize his dream. in a foreign country he was able to perfrom one after the other to relize his dream and become a well respected german asia, before he was summoned to indonesia to realize his dream to build indonesia's first flight ,the plant N250
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