Tolong terjemahkan ke bahasa inggris ya teman2 "dari kisah nyata tersebut kita dapat emngambil kesimpulan bahwa "jangan menyerah dan pesimis akan mimpi kita. tetap berusaha dan sungguh sungguh mewujudkannya. jangan bosan menggaungkan mimpi-mimpi kita. karena hal itu akan menjdi penyemangat untuk diri kita sendiri."
pemudaa Indonesiaa.. temukan dan raih mimpimu mulai dari sekarang !
From the real story we can take the conclusion that "Don't give up and pessimistic about our dreams. Keep trying and really really make it happen. Do not be bored echoing our own dreams.". of indonesia. find and grab your dreams from now on! #Semoga membantu!
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From the real story is that we can draw the conclusion that "do not give up and pessimistic about our dreams. Keep trying and really really make it happen. Do not tired of echoing dream our dreams. Because it would be an encouragement for ourselves."
Indonesian youth. Discover and achieve your dream from now on!
Indonesian youth. Discover and achieve your dream from now on!
semoga benar :)