Tolong yang pandai berbahasa inggris, kalau misalnya tensesnya banyak yg salah tolong bantuin benerinnya ya :) Makasih banyak.
The webpage makes me confuse because of their appearance. I think the webpage should be more interesting with adding some pictures and colors. Exactly, the webpage many tells us about how to become a member or student in ALCC (American Language Communication Center). The webpage doesn’t gives me some material for school, but only give some information and promotion to the readers like the location of ALCC, their mission, living accommodation, student services, schedules, fees, and agent. The material that i have from the webpage only the location, mission, and all about the courses. So, i should find the other source to complete my material subject because this webpage really doesn’t help me to complete my material subject but i have an information about this courses. I can become a member if i want to join them with follow some steps in the webpage.