August 2018 1 172 Report
1. Koordinat sebuah partikel yg bergerak pada bidang XY dinyatakan oleh x = (1,40 m/s) t dan y = 19m-(0,8m/s²) t² utk selang waktu mulai dari t = 0 s sampai t = 2 s. Tentukan komponen2 kecepatan rata2 vektor, kecepatan rata2, dan arahnya!

2. Sebuah partikel bergerak menurut persamaan x = a + bt² dengan a= 20 cm dan b = 4 cm/s². Tentukan perpindahan, kecepatan rata2, dan kecepatan sesaat pada selang waktu t1 = 2 s dan t2 = 5 s

Mohon bantuannya, terima kasih :)
Pakai caranya ya :)
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Tolong yg pinter bahasa inggris. Bantuin benerin tensesnya dong. Aku bingung nih :( I think the first website is very help me because there’s many important things that new for me. It’s very great to study in this website. In this website, there’s also give some programs like games for playing. So i can refresh my mind but still studying english in this website so that the readers didn’t bored to study in this website. This website contains many things like : Article, grammar and vocabs include the materials for study, references, and exercises, fun (games and some videos), magazines, community, site map, etc. Moreover, the website divides the categories into 3 groups : learn english teens, teaching english, and learn english kids. This webpage is very helped and important because we can study many things from here. This website is very interesting. Unfortunately, not all of materials can be found here. Like the report text or information text that i can’t found in this website. So, i hope the next, this website add some references about other materials and the materials can be found in here is very complete. And the appearance of this website maybe should change a little because it’s less enjoyable to read. The second website also very help me to complete this assignment. I can find the material about report text here and it’s very complete. This website (blog) is less interesting than the first website because appearance are just black and white border, it makes me a little dizzy to see. However, this website contains many other materials subject. So, it’s great to study here. Maybe, the blogger can add some picture, games, and change the color of the page so the readers didn’t dizzy to see the blog.

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