Tolong ya ka tanggapan buat short letter ini tony, there are no words that can truly ease the pain of a sudden loss like this... But if caring thoughts can help, they are with you there right now.
with heartfelt sympathy, Ana
tolong ya ka jawabnya yg beneran ga maen maen, jawabnya responnya ya ka bukan artinya.. :-)
- Tony baru saja mengalami musibah - Ana mengungkapkan rasa simpatinya
Balasan Tony
Dear Ana Thank you very much for all your care. I truly need someone right now, to ease the pain that I felt. Hopefully, I can recover soon.
- Ana mengungkapkan rasa simpatinya
Balasan Tony
Dear Ana
Thank you very much for all your care. I truly need someone right now, to ease the pain that I felt. Hopefully, I can recover soon.
From your best friend