pentas seni Islam sebuah acara yang sukses diselenggarakan oleh organisasi kerohanian. acara ini berlangsung di lingkungan sekolah dan dilaksanakan pada hari sekolah yang dimulai pada pagi hari sampai sore hari. pentas seni Islam ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan memperingati hari besar agama. dengan melawan rasa lelah yang selalu hadir dan dengan kesabaran serta rasa optimistis dalam mewujudkan mimpi akhirnya pentas seni Islam ini dapat terselenggarakan.
tolong translatenya yang bener yaaa jangan cuma mau poinnya aja..
KranoxIslamic art performances a successful event organized by the organisation of spirituality. This event took place in the school area and implemented on a school day that begins in the morning until late afternoon. Islamic art performance was held with the purpose of commemorating the religious holidays. while fighting fatigue and always present with patience and optimism in realizing the dream finally the islamic performing arts can be done.
a successful event organized by the organisation of spirituality. This event took place in the school area and implemented on a school day that begins in the morning until late afternoon. Islamic art performance was held with the purpose of commemorating the religious holidays. while fighting fatigue and always present with patience and optimism in realizing the dream finally the islamic performing arts can be done.
(semoga bisa membantu)