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cinta tanah air merupakan nilai moral bangsa yang semakin hari semakin menipis. adanya pasar bebas dan budaya luar yang masuk secara bebas menjadi salah satu penyebab lunturnya rasa cinta pada tanah air dan semua adat budaya di dalamnya. bahkan, pada era modern sekarang ini, sulit sekali menemukan remaja yang menghormati ideologi negara, bahkan jadang mereka yang tinggal di luar negeri malah malu mengakui kalau dirinya berasal dari negara indonesia. teman-teman yang saya hormati, menumbuhkan rasa cinta pada tanah air memang tidak mudah. kecintaan ini harus hadir dalam diri kita masing-masing secara natural dan dimulai secepat mungkin. sebagai pelajar, ada banyak hal juga yang bisa kita lakukan sebagai wujud dari rasa cinta kita pada tanah air. Sebagai contohnya,kita bisa belajar dengan rajin sebagai wujud dari usaha kita untuk menjadi generasi penerus bangsa yang berkualitas. ada pula di lingkungan sekolah, kita bisa mewujudkan rasa cinta kita dengan menjaga kebersihan sekolah. teman teman yang saya cintai semoga dari pidato saya ini kita dapat mengambil hal-hal yang baik dan dapat diteladani oleh para pelajar dan remaja saat ini agar nilai moral bangsa yang semakin hari semakin menipis dapat dikurangi dengan hal-hal baik yang dapat kita lakukan dati diri kita sendiri . sekian dari saya mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan.
Love of the homeland is the nation's moral values are increasingly depleted. the existence of a free market and foreign cultures freely entered into one of the causes of the erosion of love for the homeland and all the indigenous cultures in it. in fact, in the modern era, it is hard pressed to find a teenager who respect the state ideology, even jadang those who live abroad even ashamed to admit that he comes from a country Indonesia. friends who I respect, fostering a love of the homeland is not easy. This love must be present in each of us naturally and start as soon as possible. as a student, there are many things we can do as well as a manifestation of our love of the homeland. For example, we can study hard as a manifestation of our efforts to become the next generation of quality. some are in the school environment, we can realize our love by keeping the school. friends who I love my hope of speech we can take things that are good and can be imitated by students and teenagers today that the moral values of the nation that is increasingly thinning can be reduced with good things we can do ourselves dati we alone. so off I apologize if there are errors.
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salsaramadhinalove of the homeland is the nation's moral values are increasingly depleted. the existence of a free market and foreign cultures freely entered into one of the causes of the erosion of love for the homeland and all the indigenous cultures in it. in fact, in the modern era, it is hard pressed to find a teenager who respect the state ideology, even jadang those who live abroad even ashamed to admit that he comes from a country Indonesia. friends who I respect, fostering a love of the homeland is not easy. This love must be present in each of us naturally and start as soon as possible. as a student, there are many things we can do as well as a manifestation of our love of the homeland. For example, we can study hard as a manifestation of our efforts to become the next generation of quality. some are in the school environment, we can realize our love by keeping the school. friends who I love my hope of speech we can take things that are good and can be imitated by students and teenagers today that the moral values of the nation that is increasingly thinning can be reduced with good things we can do ourselves dati we alone. so off I apologize if there are errors.
friends who I respect, fostering a love of the homeland is not easy. This love must be present in each of us naturally and start as soon as possible.
as a student, there are many things we can do as well as a manifestation of our love of the homeland. For example, we can study hard as a manifestation of our efforts to become the next generation of quality. some are in the school environment, we can realize our love by keeping the school.
friends who I love my hope of speech we can take things that are good and can be imitated by students and teenagers today that the moral values of the nation that is increasingly thinning can be reduced with good things we can do ourselves dati we alone.
so off I apologize if there are errors.