Tolong translate ya ke b.inggris penting banget ? "ibu guru pendamping saya yang saya hormati serta teman teman yang berbahagia. Pertama tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat allah swt yang telah melimpahkan rahmat,taufik,hidayah serta inayahnya ,sehingga kita dapat berkumpul di tempat ini dalam keadaan sehat walafiat.
teman teman yg saya cintai,izinkanlah saya berdiri disini untuk berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan kepada teman teman tentang bagaimana kita mencintai negeri kita indonesia saat ini kita tinggal di Indonesia.suatu kebanggan bagi kita,karena kita tinggal di negeri yang kaya raya,subur makmur,strategis,dari sabang sampai merauke terbentang beribu ribu pulau bagaikan zamrud khatulistiwa. dengan beraneka ragam budaya dan suku bangsa,namun tetap bersatu dalam semboyan bhineka tunggal ika. dari rasa bangga tersebut tentunya akan menumbuhkan rasa cinta kita kepada indonesia. jika sudah bangga dan cinta tentunya kita akan selalu berusaha untuk melakukan yang terbaik bagi bangsa kita "
Ittha" My assistant teacher who I respect and friends happy . First of all, let us pray Praise Allah swt who has mercy , Taufik , guidance and inayahnya , so that we can gather in this place in good health . friends who I love, let me stand here to share the experience and knowledge to friends about how we love our country Indonesia today we live in Indonesia.suatu pride for us , because we live in a country that is rich , fertile prosperous , strategic , from Sabang to Merauke unfolds like thousands and thousand island emerald . with diverse cultural and ethnic groups , but remain united in the motto culturally diverse . of pride is certainly going to grow our love for Indonesia . if it is pride and love of course, we will always strive to do the best for our nation "
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"My assistant teacher who I respect and friends happy. First of all, let us pray Praise Allah swt who has mercy, Taufik, guidance and inayahnya, so that we can gather in this place in good health. friends who I love, let me stand here to share the experience and knowledge to friends about how we love our country Indonesia today we live in Indonesia.suatu pride for us, because we live in a country that is rich, fertile prosperous, strategic , from Sabang to Merauke unfolds like thousands and thousand island emerald.with diverse cultural and ethnic groups, but remain united in the motto culturally diverse. of pride is certainly going to grow our love for Indonesia. if it is pride and love of course, we will always strive to do the best for our nation "
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"My mentor teacher mother That I Respect And Friends Friends Yang happy. First of all let us pray praise the presence of Allah SWT has mercy, Taufik, And inayahnya guidance, so we CAN gather in place Husband hearts good health.
Friends Friends who I am Love, let I stand here to share experiences and knowledge shown to Friends Friends ABOUT How do we Love our country Indonesia Currently we Husband Living in Indonesia.suatu pride For kita, BECAUSE we stayed in a wealthy country Yang, fertile pros
"My assistant teacher who I respect and friends happy. First of all, let us pray Praise Allah swt who has mercy, Taufik, guidance and inayahnya, so that we can gather in this place in good health.
friends who I love, let me stand here to share the experience and knowledge to friends about how we love our country Indonesia today we live in Indonesia.suatu pride for us, because we live in a country that is rich, fertile prosperous, strategic , from Sabang to Merauke unfolds like thousands and tho
friends who I love, let me stand here to share the experience and knowledge to friends about how we love our country Indonesia today we live in Indonesia.suatu pride for us, because we live in a country that is rich, fertile prosperous, strategic , from Sabang to Merauke unfolds like thousands and thousand island emerald.with diverse cultural and ethnic groups, but remain united in the motto culturally diverse. of pride is certainly going to grow our love for Indonesia. if it is pride and love of course, we will always strive to do the best for our nation "