Tolong terjemahkan ya kakk ke bahasa inggris Aku mau menceritakan liburan ku bersama keluarga ku. Saat liburan aku dan keluarga pulang kampung. kami pergi ke Tamban. Disana merupakan tempat kelahiran ibuku. Aku sangat senang bisa pergi kesana karena sudah lama aku tidak pergi kesana. aku sngat rindu kampung halaman ku yang permai. Karena sangat senang aku tidak mengalami kelelahan selama perjalanan yang cukup jauh. Di Tamban aku dan keluarga ku menginap selama dua hari. Walaupun cuman sebentar tapi aku tetap senang. hal yang paling aku suka saat di tamban adalah karena banyak sekali buah nanas. buah nanas merupakan buah yang aku sukai. Selama disana aku dan keluarga ku di suguhi berbagai makanan. disana juga kekeluargaannya sangat baik sehingga aku mudah ber adaptasi dengan orang-orang disana. Aku sangatt senang dan bahagiaa bisa ke tamban. daerah yang sangat membuat nyaman. Nah,teman begitu lah cerita liburan ku yang menyenangkan. Selain liburan aku juga dapat pengalaman yang mnyenangkan. Sekian email ku teman semoga kamu senang dengan ceritanya
I want to tell you about my holiday with my family. When holiday, my family and I back to the hometown. We went to Tamban. It was my mother's birthplace. I was so happy to go to that place because It's been so long when I gone to that place before. I am so missing my beautiful hometown. Because I'm so happy, I didn't tired in a long trip. My family and I stayed for two days. Even though It was so short, but I still happy. The most thing that I liked is because there was so many pineapple. Pineapple was the one of some fruit that I like. When my family and I was in that place, we eat so many food. The sense of family in that place was so good so I can talked with many people. I was so happy and glad to be able to went to Tamban, the comfortable place. Well, that was the story of my delight holiday, my friend. Besides holiday, I got a delight experience too . That's all from my e-mail, my friend, I hope you happy to know this story.
My family and I stayed for two days. Even though It was so short, but I still happy. The most thing that I liked is because there was so many pineapple. Pineapple was the one of some fruit that I like. When my family and I was in that place, we eat so many food. The sense of family in that place was so good so I can talked with many people. I was so happy and glad to be able to went to Tamban, the comfortable place.
Well, that was the story of my delight holiday, my friend. Besides holiday, I got a delight experience too . That's all from my e-mail, my friend, I hope you happy to know this story.
Maaf kalau ada yang salah.
Semoga membantu (^_^)