Buat contoh dialog singkat accusing tentang (dialog ber2). you cell phone is gone. you suspect that your classmate who was sitting behind you stole it. you brother reminds you that is it wrong to accuse someone withat strong evidence
My brother : How was school? Where's your cell phone? Y/n : It's gone! but I know who stole it! My brother : Why don't you ask for it back? Y/n : I didn't have time to, maybe tomorrow. My brother : Who stole it? Y/n : My classmate who was sitting behind me, he seems to be so annoying. My brother : Do you have any evidence that it's him who stole it? Y/n : Hmm My brother : Answer please? Y/n : Not really. My brother : That's it. Y/n : But I'm sure it is his fault because he always steal people's stuff! My brother : Don't blame people just like that if you don't have a strong evidence. He always steal but maybe just for joking? Have you seen the him taking your phone? Y/n : No.. My brother : That's it. Y/n : Okay I'm sorry.
Y/n : It's gone! but I know who stole it!
My brother : Why don't you ask for it back?
Y/n : I didn't have time to, maybe tomorrow.
My brother : Who stole it?
Y/n : My classmate who was sitting behind me, he seems to be so annoying.
My brother : Do you have any evidence that it's him who stole it?
Y/n : Hmm
My brother : Answer please?
Y/n : Not really.
My brother : That's it.
Y/n : But I'm sure it is his fault because he always steal people's stuff!
My brother : Don't blame people just like that if you don't have a strong evidence. He always steal but maybe just for joking? Have you seen the him taking your phone?
Y/n : No..
My brother : That's it.
Y/n : Okay I'm sorry.