1. It's name is Dodo 2. It's color is black 3. It was lost 4. It was lost at the public park 5. The owner's phone number is 0215548082 6. The finder will be given a reward
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RenAlEzhaben1. The Dog's name is Dodo 2. Black Fur 3. The dog was lost 4. The dog was lost at Public Park 5. 0215548082 (Zero-Two-One-Five-five-four-eight-zero-eight-two) 6. The finder wanna given a rewards
2. It's color is black
3. It was lost
4. It was lost at the public park
5. The owner's phone number is 0215548082
6. The finder will be given a reward
2. Black Fur
3. The dog was lost
4. The dog was lost at Public Park
5. 0215548082 (Zero-Two-One-Five-five-four-eight-zero-eight-two)
6. The finder wanna given a rewards