Tolong dong Bntuin artiin ini lgi ke b.inggris. please ya.
Saya setuju Facebook ditutup, karna terdapat dampak negatif yang banyak,terutama untuk pemuda2. dampak negatifnya Antaralain yaitu: 1). fb akan membuat kita jatuh kedalam Hal-hal yang tidak baik, contohnya seperti fornografi. remaja2 sekarang ini sudah banyak mengenali teman melalui jejaring sosial, salah satunya Yaitu fb. gambar yang merka lihat, dapat merangsang otak mereka ke hal2 yang negative. 2). fb juga dapat membuat kita tergiur dengan barang2 yang ditawarkan melalui fb, meskipun kita tidak tahu barang tersebut benar2 kirim atau tidak,ttpi masyarakt sekarang,sangat mudah untuk ditipu. banyak yang sudah kehabisan uang jutaan bahkan milyaran karna penipuan di fb.
tolong Bntuin aku ya.
I agree that facebook get blocked because there is negative sence and some of it are 1. facebook will make us get to the bad things like phornography films that not good for us . now young man will know other bad friend with facebook that post theyre undress photos and that all can get us to the bad things. 2. facebook also can make us wrelly want to buy something thats saled in facebook but when we buy it the things are not sended to us because their been joked by the black seller
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carlottaI agree Facebook closed, because there are many negative effects, especially for pemuda2. antaralain negative impacts are: 1). fb will make us fall into things that are not good, such as fornografi. remaja2 now many recognize friends via social networking, one of which Namely fb. images that they see themselves see, can stimulate their brains to hal2 negative. 2). fb can also make us drool with barang2 offered through fb, although we do not know the item benar2 send or not, ttpi society today, it is easy to be deceived. many who have run out of money and millions even billions because of fraud in fb.
1. facebook will make us get to the bad things like phornography films that not good for us . now young man will know other bad friend with facebook that post theyre undress photos and that all can get us to the bad things.
2. facebook also can make us wrelly want to buy something thats saled in facebook but when we buy it the things are not sended to us because their been joked by the black seller
1). fb will make us fall into things that are not good, such as fornografi. remaja2 now many recognize friends via social networking, one of which Namely fb. images that they see themselves see, can stimulate their brains to hal2 negative.
2). fb can also make us drool with barang2 offered through fb, although we do not know the item benar2 send or not, ttpi society today, it is easy to be deceived. many who have run out of money and millions even billions because of fraud in fb.