Siapa yang baik, tolong2ngin aku banget ya. artiin ke dalem bhsa inggris dong,please.
"saya setuju jika fb ditutup karna fb membawa dampak negatif yang banyak. apalagi bagi para remaja2 . dampak negatif nya yaitu : 1). fb akan membuat kita terjerumus ke hal2 yang tidak baik, seperti fornografi, remaja2 jaman sekarang sudah banyak mengenal teman melalui jejaring sosial salah satunya yaitu fb. gambar yang mreka lihat dapat merangsang otak mreka untk melakukn perbuatan tersebut. 2). fb juga bsa membuat kita tergiur dengan barang2 yang di tawarkan, pdahal kita tidak tahu barang itu benar2 dikirim atau tidak, tetapi kalangan masyarakat jaman sekarang, sangat mdah skali untuk ditipu. banyak yang sudah habis uang juta2an bahkan milyaran karna penipuan di fb. jadi sya sangat setuju kalo pemerintah menutup fb karna fb dapat merugikan kalangan masyarakat banyak.
temen2 tolong ya dibantu, misalkan ada kata2 yg jelek,kalian ralat atau ubah jga gpp kok. mkasih sbelumnya :)
"I agree if fb fb closed because the negative impact that a lot. Especially for the remaja2. Its negative impact, namely: 1). fb will make us fall into hal2 is not good, as fornografi, remaja2 today have a lot of friends through social networking know one of them is fb. mreka see images can stimulate the brain mreka melakukn remedy such actions. 2). fb coud also make us drool with barang2 is on offer, pdahal we do not know it benar2 goods shipped or not, but today's society, so mdah skali to be deceived. many are already out of money juta2an even billions because of fraud on fb. so sya strongly agree if the government shut down because fb fb can be detrimental to the community
1 ) . facebook will make us fall into things that are not good , as fornografi , teens today have a lot of friends through social networking know one of them is facebook . images that they see can stimulate their brain to perform these actions .
2 ) . Facebook can also make us drool with the goods on offer , but we do not know that the goods actually delivered or not , but today's society , it is very easy to be deceived . many are already exhausted air millions and even billions of mone
Iya gpp. mkasih seenggak nya udah mau membntu sya. mkasih ya semuanya. :)
"I agree if facebook was closed because of the negative impact that a lot. Especially for the youth. Its negative impact, namely: 1). facebook will make us fall into things that are not good, as fornografi, teens today have a lot of friends through social networking know one of them is facebook. images that they see that they're able to stimulate the brain melakukn remedy such actions. 2). facebook coud also make us drool with goods on offer, pdahal we did not know it was actually delivered the goods or not, but today's society, so mdah skali to be deceived. many were already exhausted because millions and even billions of fraud on facebook. so I could not agree if the government shut down facebook because it can harm the public.
1). fb will make us fall into hal2 is not good, as fornografi, remaja2 today have a lot of friends through social networking know one of them is fb. mreka see images can stimulate the brain mreka melakukn remedy such actions.
2). fb coud also make us drool with barang2 is on offer, pdahal we do not know it benar2 goods shipped or not, but today's society, so mdah skali to be deceived. many are already out of money juta2an even billions because of fraud on fb.
so sya strongly agree if the government shut down because fb fb can be detrimental to the community
1). facebook will make us fall into things that are not good, as fornografi, teens today have a lot of friends through social networking know one of them is facebook. images that they see that they're able to stimulate the brain melakukn remedy such actions.
2). facebook coud also make us drool with goods on offer, pdahal we did not know it was actually delivered the goods or not, but today's society, so mdah skali to be deceived. many were already exhausted because millions and even billions of fraud on facebook.
so I could not agree if the government shut down facebook because it can harm the public.