You : I'm sorry. I can't hear you clearly. In here, the connection is bad. Assistent : I see. I'll try to call you later. You : I'm sorry. Assistent : No problem.
You : " Can you help me? " Assistent : " Sure, what i can do for you? " You : " Help me for deliver the massage to my friend, I can't hear him clearly because of the bad connection. " Assistent : "Okay, I will write the massage and deliver the massage to your friend. "
Verified answer
You : I'm sorry. I can't hear you clearly. In here, the connection is bad.Assistent : I see. I'll try to call you later.
You : I'm sorry.
Assistent : No problem.
Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^
Verified answer
You : " Can you help me? "Assistent : " Sure, what i can do for you? "
You : " Help me for deliver the massage to my friend, I can't hear him clearly because of the bad connection. "
Assistent : "Okay, I will write the massage and deliver the massage to your friend. "