Tolong buatkan percakapan dialog 2 orang dalam bahasa inggris lewat telepon dengan memuat opening, maintaning & ending ( bebas )
Mia: Hello Aina:Hello Mia. This is Aina. Mia: oh what wrong Aina? Aina: Can you tell Ma'am diana that i won't be able to come in music course today? i get a fever and headache. please tell her i can't have the course for maybe three days. Mia: all right. I'm sorry to hear that. i hope you get well soon Aina: thank you Mia Mia: by the way have you seen a doctor? Aina: Yes i have. And the doctor said i must rest for three days Mia: okey Aina: okey see you later, and thank you so much Mia: you're welcome, see you
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terima kasih, tetapi itu benar kan sesuai dgn syaratnya ?
iya dia ada pembukaan nya yaitu kalimat "hello" terus ada kalimat untuk menahan pembicaraan yaitu "by the way" sama ada kalimat penutupan yaitu "see you later"
iya, terima kasih banyak & semangat terus !!!
iya sama-sama, terima kasih kamu juga semangat terus ya:)
Aina:Hello Mia. This is Aina.
Mia: oh what wrong Aina?
Aina: Can you tell Ma'am diana that i won't be able to come in music course today? i get a fever and headache. please tell her i can't have the course for maybe three days.
Mia: all right. I'm sorry to hear that. i hope you get well soon
Aina: thank you Mia
Mia: by the way have you seen a doctor?
Aina: Yes i have. And the doctor said i must rest for three days
Mia: okey
Aina: okey see you later, and thank you so much
Mia: you're welcome, see you