there was an inciedent of a killing cat last week.
the cat was killed when it was trying to steak
food from this grumpy old grandfather's house.
the cat was hungry and it didn't notice that this
grumpy grandfather was there watching and
carried a broom. the cat was hit and couldn't
survive. the grumply old grandfather was furious
and he asked his neighbor to move the cat and
didn't pay attention to what his neighbor was
saying. what a brutal killing.
There was an inciedent of a killing cat last week. the cat was killed when it was trying to steak food from this grumpy old grandfather's house. the cat was hungry and it didn't notice that this grumpy grandfather was there watching and carried a broom. the cat was hit and couldn't survive. the grumply old grandfather was furious and he asked his neighbor to move the cat and didn't pay attention to what his neighbor was saying. what a brutal killing.
pembunuhan yg singkat, padat, Dan jelas dlm bahhasa inggris