Tolong bantu dong , jawabannya aja yah cuman sebagai pembanding .
Kelas: 11 Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Kategori: Infinitives Kata Kunci: infinitives Kode: 11.5.13 [Kelas 11 Bahasa Inggris Bab 13 - Gerunds & Infinitives]
Exercise 1. 1. to find 2. to attend 3. to pay 4. to help 5. to work
Exercise 2. 1. We don't know where to remove our shoes. (Kami tidak tau dimana harus melepas sepatu kami.) 2. do 3. You had better leave the apartment. (Semoga kamu telah meninggalkan apartemen itu.) 4. to host 5. to park 6. enter
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: Infinitives
Kata Kunci: infinitives
Kode: 11.5.13 [Kelas 11 Bahasa Inggris Bab 13 - Gerunds & Infinitives]
Exercise 1.
1. to find
2. to attend
3. to pay
4. to help
5. to work
Exercise 2.
1. We don't know where to remove our shoes. (Kami tidak tau dimana harus melepas sepatu kami.)
2. do
3. You had better leave the apartment. (Semoga kamu telah meninggalkan apartemen itu.)
4. to host
5. to park
6. enter