To nowy styl, co uzależnia jak koka, sprawi, że przeżyjesz nokaut, aż ci zdmuchnie brokat prosze o przetlumaczenie
To nowy styl, co uzależnia jak koka, sprawi, że przeżyjesz nokaut, aż ci zdmuchnie brokat. This is a new style, which addicives as cocaine, it course, that you experience knockout until it blows brocade.
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It's a new style, which addict like coca, it will make you go through knock-out, until it blow out your brocade.
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It's brand new styl, which addicting like cocaine, it's wil knock-out you, and blow your brocade. myśle ,że pomoglem
This is a new style, which addicives as cocaine, it course, that you experience knockout until it blows brocade.