|-2/3| + |-1/2|=
|4/7| - |3|=
-5/8 * |-16|=
|-8/15|: 1 i 7/15 =
tam gdzie * to jest mnozenie a te kreski to wartosc bezwzgledna czy cos takiego xd a / to kreska ulamkowa
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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|-2/3| + |-1/2|= 2/3 + 1/3 = 3/3 = 1
|4/7| - |3|= 4/7 - 3 = 4/7 - 21/7 = -27/7 = -3 3/7
-5/8 * |-16|= -5/8 * 16 = -5 * 2 = -10
|-8/15|: 1 i 7/15 = 8/15 : 1 7/15 = 8/15 : 22/15 = 8/15 * 15/22 = 8/22 = 4/11