The last book I have read was called "Trzy metry nad niebem ". It was written by frederico Moccia. I got book from aunt. I read it because I like love stories. This book is about first love polite trenagers with older than she hooligan. Trough Babi her boyfriend is gefting calmer, and she matures and opens up the world. I was deeply moved their story. I would definitelyrecommend this book to anyone who is interested in this type of story
It was written by frederico Moccia. I got book from aunt. I read it because I like love stories. This book is about first love polite trenagers with older than she hooligan. Trough Babi her boyfriend is gefting calmer, and she matures and opens up the world. I was deeply moved their story. I would definitelyrecommend this book to anyone who is interested in this type of story.
Została ona napisana przez Frederico Moccia. Mam tę książkę od ciotki. Czytam, bo lubię historie miłosne. Ta książka jest o pierwszej miłości ze starszym niż ona chuliganem. Koryta Babi jej chłopak jest coraz zimniej, a ona dojrzewa i otwiera na świat. Byłem głęboko poruszony ich historię. Zdecydowanie polecam tę książkę każdemu, kto jest zainteresowany tego typu historii
It was written by frederico Moccia. I got book from aunt. I read it because I like love stories. This book is about first love polite trenagers with older than she hooligan. Trough Babi her boyfriend is gefting calmer, and she matures and opens up the world. I was deeply moved their story. I would definitelyrecommend this book to anyone who is interested in this type of story.
Została ona napisana przez Frederico Moccia. Mam tę książkę od ciotki. Czytam, bo lubię historie miłosne. Ta książka jest o pierwszej miłości ze starszym niż ona chuliganem. Koryta Babi jej chłopak jest coraz zimniej, a ona dojrzewa i otwiera na świat. Byłem głęboko poruszony ich historię. Zdecydowanie polecam tę książkę każdemu, kto jest zainteresowany tego typu historii