Studiujesz w Wielkiej Brytanii. Twoja szkoła organizuje międzynarodowy wieczór kulinarny. Zredaguj ogłoszenie, w którym:
- poinformujesz, gdzie i kiedy odbędzie się wieczór,
- poprosisz uczestników, aby przynieśli typowe danie dla swojego kraju,
- napiszesz, jaka bedzie dodatkowa atrakcja,
- poinformujesz, jak długo potrwa impreza.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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We want invite you to "International Party". The party will started in 25th Janury at 7PM in London Language School.
If you want arrive to our party, we ask you for some traditional meals from yours country.
We offer great music, some meals and drinks, and something special. To our party will arrive famous traveler and journalist Martyna Wojciechowska. She will talk about her travels and ask for yours questions
The party will strated at 7 pm and will finish at 1am.
It will be pleasure to see you in this party!
We would like to invite you to international culinary evening. This event will be on the next Friday at 6 p.m in our school. Our address: Jacksonstreet 68.
Every participant must bring a typical dish of one's country.
An addictial attraction will be a performance of the music - band: "The Champaigne Showers"! You will must be there!
This event will last 5 hours.
See you soon,
Student government of Middle School from London.