Studiujesz w USA. Rozmawiasz ze znajomym z uczelni . Opowiadasz o pracy dorywczej w której pracowałeś podczas wakacji.
1. Opowidasz jak znalazłeś tę pracę
2. Opisz co było najwiekszym zaskoczeniem pierwszego dnia
3. Wyjaśnij który momeny był dla ciebie najtrudniejszy
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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This summer I found casual work in a bar with a burger;]
The biggest surprise of the day was that some passers-by seeing howtranslate the burger ingredients in the correct place asked me if I did not want to work with him at the bar with a burger. The most difficult moment was to adapt to the rules of the raw head but somehow managed to overcome this.
Hi Mark! During the holiday I had a part-time job as a waiter in one of the restaurants in Warsaw. It was a great opportunity to gain some experience as well as earn money. I found this job by accident. It was at the beginning of July. I was walking through the street when I saw a notice at the door of the restaurant. There was a phone number so I decided to call and apply. The boss chose me as the best candidate and gave me the job. The biggest surprise for me the first day was the nice atmosphere that there was among the staff. I've hitherto worked in three places but I've never met such friendly and kind people who were willing to help me all the time. The boss was very nice too. However, the first days were also very hard because of my small experience in the work of waiter. I had to learn many new things and it was the hardest thing for me. After a few days I got on, anywyay. Now, when it's finished I have very good memories and I miss my boss and friends very much.