Sprawdzi mi ktoś prace domową z angielskiego? I ewentualnie poprawi? Hi Emily! I hope you are well. Thanks for the present you sent me for my brithday. This is the perfect gift. I've always wanted read this book. I looked her in Polish bookstores, but it was not anywhere. I read half of the book, because it's really interesting. Every evening I sit on my favourite armchair and I read the book. Next week I'm going to bookshop because I will look for next part of the book. I really enjoyed my brithday. We were dancing all the time and laugh a lot. On the ending we watched my favourite film. After we went to sleep. My best mate gave me wonderful shoes. My parents gave me a new computer. I also got a lot of other presents, but the gift from you is the best. See you soon, I hope. And thaks again for the book. Lots of Love. Julia
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Praca jest ok.W tekście są drobne literówki typu: thaks-thanks,brithday-birthday.
Mam nadzieję że dostaniesz dobrą ocene,gdyz praca jest na poziomie.
Zdania poprawnie złożone i odmienione.
Hi Emily! I hope you are well. Thanks for the present you sent me for my brithday. This is the perfect gift. I've always wanted--TO-- read this book. I looked---FOR-- IT--- in Polish bookstores, but it was not anywhere. I read half of the book, because it's really interesting. Every evening I sit on my favourite armchair and I read the book. Next week I'm going to----A/THE---(jeśli chodzi Ci o konkretną ksiengarnię to the,natomisat jeśli nie przywiązujesz uwagi do której pójdziesz to użyj a)--- bookshop because I----AM LOOKING---for next part of the book. I really enjoyed my brithday. We were dancing all the time and ----laughed---- a lot.-----AT THE END OF THE PARTY---- we watched my favourite film. ----THEN--- we went to sleep. My best ----FRIEND(ja bym takiego wyrazu tu użyła)---- gave me wonderful shoes. My parents gave me a new computer. I also got a lot of----BEZ OTHER---- presents, but the gift from you is the best. See you soon, I hope. And----AGAIN,THANKS---- for the book. Lots of Love. Julia
Pewnie nie wynalazłam wszystkich błędów,ale mam nadzieję że pomogłam.
ps. oznaczyłam je ------ takim czymś i pisałam drukowanymi literami :)