Sprawdzi mi ktoś błędy? :) Organizujesz przyjęcie niespodziankę dla swojej siostry z okazji jej urodzin. Napisz do jej znajomych email w ktorym - przedstawisz im swój pomysł -zachęcisz wszystkich do udziału w przyjęciu - zorganizujesz podział obowiązków prz y organizacji
Hi Your friend Emily have birthday next week. So i have a good idea. We can organise suprise party. This will be amazing. We can organise it in Kate dad's club, buy cake and later have a good time! Kate, you can talk to your dad. And ask his abot reserve club for us. Mia, you can talk with your mum. Maybe she bake birthday cake for my sister and give us sweets. Jake, you can be a DJ. We love your music and we 'll have a good time with you. I talk with Emily and say her i and she go to club alone. She will be very suprised. So tell me what do you think about this idea.
Emily, your friend, has her birthday next week. So I have a good idea. We can organise a surpise party. This will be amazing. We can do it at Kate's dad's club. We can buy a cake and have fun until late. Kate, can you talk to your dad and ask him for reservation for us? Mia, you can talk to your mum. Maybe she will bake a birthday cake for my sister and give us some sweets. Jake, you can be a DJ. We love your music, we always have a good time with you. I will talk to Emily and convince her to go to the club alone. She will be very surpised. So, tell me what do you think about this idea?
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W pierwszym zdaniu powinno być "has" bo mówisz o dziewczynie. w trzeciem organize przez "z" i przed suprise party powinno być "a". w czwartym zamiast "this" "it". w piątym jak w trzecim (organize) i kate"s" . sorry ale nie mam czasu.
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organise przez "s" nie jest błędem, obie formy z "s" i "z" są poprawne
sorrrrrrry nagle musiałem odejść do kompa, ale widzę, żę inna pomógła. sorrry. mam nadzieję, że chociaż trochę pomogłem.
Kate, can you talk to your dad and ask him for reservation for us? Mia, you can talk to your mum. Maybe she will bake a birthday cake for my sister and give us some sweets. Jake, you can be a DJ. We love your music, we always have a good time with you. I will talk to Emily and convince her to go to the club alone. She will be very surpised.
So, tell me what do you think about this idea?
w piątym jak w trzecim (organize) i kate"s" . sorry ale nie mam czasu.