Sprawdzcie, czy to dorze napisałam. Każdy błąd, nawet przecinek, poprawcie. NA DZISIAJ!
Today, more and more teens play computer games. is this good or bad?
They can inproves logical thinking. You can do bettet at school. They are aslo enjoyable, becouse games relieve stress.
Computer games can be unhealthy. If you play too long, you will damage eyesight or have headache. They can also cause social problems. You don't have got time for friends, and you don't hang out with them.
Computes games are fun and help to improve our computes skills. However, you shouldn't play for hours as it can cause health problems.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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zamiast zdania you don't have got time powinno byc you don't have enough time .poniewaz jezeli jest przeczenie don't nie moze byc w tym samym zdaniu have got bo to twierdzenie a chcesz zaprzeczyc..pozostała czesc pracy jest dobrze
Today,more and more teens play computer games. Is this good or bad?
They can improve logical thinking. You can do better at school. They are also enjoyable,beacause games relieve stress.
Computer games can be unhealthy. If you play too long,you will damage your eyesight or have a headache. They can also cause social problems. You don't have time for your friends and you don't hang out with them.
Computer games are fun and help to improve our computer skills. However, you shouldn't play for hours as it can cause heslth problems.