" Społecznościowe serwisy internetowe zmieniaja sposób porozumiewania sie miedzy luźmi" Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz swoja opinie na ten temat. ( 200-250 słów) Bede wdzięczna;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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"Social internet services change way of communication between people" In my opinion this argument is really good. I will prove my opinion in several examples.
Firstly - when you're logged in popular internet service like facebook or twitter or myspace, you should know that you just lost your privaty. Everybody can see your photographs , even you're not close friends, more, even you don't know each other.
Secondly nowdays most of youth preffer wasting their time by surffing on the Internet than hanging around with friends. Many relationships are destroyed because of being in touch just on the Internet chats or commentating pics for each other. There 's no intimacy in these way of communication. We should remember that intimacy is as important as trust or loyality. Friendship means spending time togheter, help in solving problems... Word friendship doesn't mean cliking "I like it" under posts your friends, but many people judge different.
The other point is overcoming the distances. You know what your friend who lives in Kair for example, is doing, while you're sitting on your comfortable armchair in Warsaw. You can always be in touch only by the Internet - it's really cheap and fast way of communication, especially by social services.
Summing up - social services are good to communicate when you can't meet with your friends personally. But we should remember that old-fashioned methods of spending time with friends are better to make new friendships and maintaining our present relationships.
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