September 2018 2 60 Report

Gimnazjum kl 2 ćwiczenia str. 63 - cała


Dopasuj wyrazy z tekstu do definicji :

complaint, hip-hop, kid, nerds, odsessed, pub, hassle, run, higlights, generally.

1. best parts -

2. boring people -

3. are in charge of -

4. most of the time -

5. trouble -

6. child -

7. thinking about someone/sometthing all the time -

8. statement that you are not satisfied with something -

9. public house - a place where you can drink alcohol when you are over 18 -

10. kind of music that uses rap and samples (parts of other songs) -


Dopasuj wyrazy z kolumny A do kolumny B tak aby powstały rzeczowniki złożone.


chat cafe

camprechensive clothes

desinger experience

football highlights

internet phone

mobile room

work school

zad. 4

wstaw rzeczowniki złożone z ćw. 3

1. she's doing ......... to find out what it is like to have a job.

2 all the boys go to thr same secondary school - it's called a ......... .

3. a public place where you pay to use computers on the web is an ............ .

4 when you are on the internet you can talk to people in a ............. .

5 they show the best parts of a match on TV in the .................. .

6 people buy .............. because of the name on the label.

7 what's your .............. number ?


uzupełnij zwroty, wstawiając podane czasowniki:

belive, go, get, do, spend, treat

1. ............ something for a laugh.

2. .............. your free time.

3. .............. in someone/something.

4. ............. on OK with someone.

5.c........... someone like a child.

6. ..........on a diet.

Z góry wielki dzięki. Uratujecie mi życie.. ; )

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