October 2018 2 19 Report

Dopasuj do każdej odpowiedzi wypowiedź.

1. Poproś rodzicóe żeby cię dzis odebrali z treningu

A. Will you pick me up after karate cass tonight?

B. Could you go to football training with me in the evening ?

C. Why don't we go to the cinema after my judo lesson tonight?

2.Chcesz pójśc z kolegami na mecz siatkówki. Jak porosisz rodziców o pozwolenie?

A. I'm so excited about the game on Saturday. Are you ?

B. Should I go to see the game with your parents on Saturday ?

C. Can I go to the game with my friends Saturday ?
3. Świetnie rozegrałeś mecz tenisa. Jak pochwalisz się rodzicom ?

A. I always wanted to play tennis

B. That was a great game !

C. You're fine, aren't you!

4. Zaproponuj rodzicom wspólne oglądanie meczu.

A. How about watching the game together ?

B. Could we look for together?

C. Would you like me to see a game on the telly ?

2. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki

dengerous wiling well=educated fascinating bored happpy annyoyed physicially fit

My parents are very____ that I am so much / so littlt into sport. They think being________is the most importaant thing for a young person. For them, team sports like football,volleyball or hockey are______. Mum and dad are quite __________ when I want to wach sports on Tv.

To są zadania z Repetytorium Macmilian. str 143 a jakby ktoś miałjeszcze ze 143 i 2 ze 144 ;]

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