September 2018 1 14 Report

Zad 7 str 17 New Exam Connections Elemenatary 2 . Ułóż pytania i na nie odpowiedz.

przykład -------> 1. Is Tim drinking ? (Tim /drink)

Yes, he is.

przykład -------> 2. Are Mark and Sue reading ? (Mark and Sue / read)

No, they aren't. They're dancing.

3. _____________________ (Susie / dance)


4. ______________________________________ (Susie's dad / smile)


5._______________________________________ (Mr Jones /read a magazine)


6._______________________________________ (the men / reading)


7. ______________________________________ (the dog / run)


8. ______________________________________ (Gill / phone her friend)


9. ______________________________________ (the children / play tennis)


10. _____________________________________ (the women / sleeping)


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